Division III: Student under Age 25--- public subscription for Animation

This public subscription for Animation for students (under 25) at ASIAGRAPH is publicly collecting animation works in order to provide new, young talented people with a chance to be evaluated and make an international debut. Please note that this division is not for general competition. Its objective is to praise students’ desire to create and to publish ones works, so we distance ourselves from the regular screening, we do not only evaluate the perfection level and skill level of the work, but its idea, character design, feeling of freshness and so forth. Fragmentary expression and even crude expression are welcome.

Application Period:
From 2024 June 1st (Sat) to 2024 July 31th (Wed)

・The work should be an original CG animation which was made in 2022 or later.
・Any students or graduates under age 25 at the time of the application, who are Japanese or who are non-Japanese but currently living in Japan, are welcome to subscribe ones work to this division.(Though students at graduate school, university and vocational college are the main targets for divisionⅢ,high school students are also welcome to subscribe their works)
・Winning works in other competition, or any works which has been published in corporate advertisement, prints, TV broadcast and webcast are also welcome if it is approved by the right holder.
・Individual participants as well as group participants are allowed to subscribe works to four divisions.
・One should note that if ones work (the animation) has been awarded a grand prize or has won top animation prize, the work would not be accepted for entry.
・Each applicant can submit three animation works at most.
・There are no restrictions as to the theme.
・Those works which use live motion mainly will be rejected.
・The duration of one animation work to be within 20 minutes. (please refer to the details of Animation category)
・A school unit can submit 10 works at most.
・Works created using image generation AI are not eligible for entry.

The subscribed works would be screened by the ASIAGRAPH CG Art Gallery selection committees.

Announcement of Selection Results:
Winners will be announced on this website.

Privileges for the Winners:
Selected works will be screening at ASIAGRAPH CG Art Gallery.
And also the winning works are entered for the Division II: “CG Animation Theater”---public subscription for Animation.

Entry Fees:
Free of charge

How to Submit:
When submitting your works, You need to send us the URL after submitting works to your own website, server or YouTube, Vimeo, Pixiv, Flickr. ※ You may enter this competition with works with limited access. In that case you must tell us your password. please send the following application materials to the designated address by e-mail.

About the application materials

[Title] ASIAGRAPH 2024 Division III Entry

[The Contestant Information]
・Your Name
・Pen name( If you want your pen name announced when your works is selected )
・School's Name
・Your Age
・Phone Number
・E-mail Address(The e-mail address where you can be reached)
・Whether you would authorize us to submit your works and enter other international animation competitions cooperating with ASIAGRAPH by procuration.

[Works Information]
・Not using an AI Image Generator.
・Animation file URLs(Password is also required in the case of limited access)

About the animation file
・File format: It should be supported by Windows Media Player/QuickTime Player.
・Duration of the work: within 20 minutes
・Size of the screen page: width640pixels × height480pixels or more
・It should be a single file.
・No external link is acceptable.

*For applicants whose file is in .mov format
The file should be saved as a self-contained .mov file.

The applicant is assumed to agree to all the terms and conditions at the point of submission.
Thus, the applicant shall read the guideline for application and the general rules carefully before submitting his or her works.